Pills Xpressrx

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Privacy Policy

pillsxpressrx.com is considerate towards the privacy concerns of its visitors. We are committed to providing an educational and secure online environment to people of all ages. We strongly believe that it is our duty to offer the utmost privacy protection to our customers. Therefore, we have safeguarded our website with advanced SSL security software. Our privacy policy is in adherence to the privacy protection laws and regulations set by the authorities. To ensure our website stays safe and secure, we have applied the following practices:

As per a general policy, no personal information shall be collected from site visitors. However, we need to collect limited personally identifiable information from the visitors in order to provide them with an improved experience while they visit our site. We do collect data such as email address and shipping address, as these two are essential, especially when confirming purchases and tracking down the order status for the customers. We do not share the information with third parties under any circumstances.

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